Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Essay on wild Animals in Nepal.

            The animals which spend their entire life in the jungle are called wild animals. Some of them are tigers, lions, leopards, foxes, monkeys, deer, squirrels and so on. Their categories spread into various species and groups. Some of them are carnivorous, some are herbivorous while others are omnivorous. They are also categorized into terrestrial, amphibian, arboreal, aerial and aquatic. Most of them are directly or indirectly advantageous for us.
            The animal that live on land are known as terrestrial animals. They are elephants, tigers, lions etc. the other kinds of animals are arboreal; such as monkeys, squirrels, chameleon, etc; they spend most of their time on trees. Generally, birds are categorized s aerial animals. They can fly in the air. The animals which live in water are referred to as aquatic animals. They are fishes, crabs dolphins, etc. similarly amphibians refer to the animals such as alligators, tortoises, frogs, etc. thus the animals are categorized as terrestrial, arboreal, aerial, aquatic and amphibian according to the place where they inhabit naturally.
            The animals can also be categorized on the basis of what they eat. The animals which feed on (live on) grass and plants are called herbivorous animals. They are goats, cows, buffaloes, sheep and so on. The animals that feed on only flesh of other animals and birds fall under the category of carnivorous. They are tigers, lions, foxes, etc. the animals that live on both plants and flesh of other animals are known as omnivorous.
            Nowadays, most of the wild animals are declining. Some of the animals are endangered. An animal survive if its habitat is destroyed. The jungle, the living place of the wild animals, is fast being destroyed because of different activities of human beings. People clear the jungle for agriculture and settlement. They cut down the tress for firewood, timber and building materials. Furthermore, people kill the wild animals for various purposes indifferently and mercilessly. The main cause of their disappearance is uncontrolled and over-population growth. We can preserve wild animals by preserving the forest, running afforestation programmes, opening wildlife reserves and national parks and making strict rules to prohibit the hunting of the wild animals and birds.
            Wild animals absolutely prove to be advantageous for us. Firstly, to preserve them, we have to preserve the jungle. If we preserve the jungle, the natural calamities such as flood, landslides, desertification, and soil erosion etc. can be reduced. We can preserve other natural resources, too. Similarly, we can lure foreign tourists if we provide them opportunities to see the wild animals. By the result, we can earn foreign currency from them. Our ecology and environment can be kept in balance by preserving wild animals.
            Some people claim that wild animals harm and interface us in many ways. They say that our domestic animals are killed and eaten by carnivorous wild animals. Some animals such as deer, elephants, etc. destroy our crops and vegetables. Some of the wild animals are dangerous for human beings, too. But this opinion in not appreciable.

            It can be said that preservation of the wild animals is our own preservation. Therefore, we are obliged to preserve them at any cost. All the sectors concerned are responsible to preserve the wild animals and birds in order to preserve the ecology and environment.


I don't understand 🤔🤔🤔🙄

I really like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like it.🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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